Friday 27 September 2013

Rome (26th -29th June)

So me and the Boyf had a gap year and have basically been working our butts off to pay for the trip we went on around Europe (me more than him :P) We managed to visit 9 cities in 6 countries during our 3 week trip.
It was one of the best experiences of my life and I advice anyone and everyone to go travelling at least once!

We started off in Rome.
Day 1:
The Italians drive like lunatics! I'm not even joking. We took a minibus from the airport to the Termini and they don't even pay attention to whether the lights on red or green, it's insane. We then arrived at our hotel (Hotel Galatea)  which looked awful from the outside but was surprisingly good.

We visited the Spanish Steps which was really pretty but sadly it started to rain a lot, so we took cover in McCafe (very Italian...) We then moved on to the Trevi Fountain. It was so beautiful but incredibly busy. Some guy took our photos on a Polaroid camera but charged £10 for it, 1st rip off in Rome (Silly us, we did get better)
We then walked to the Pantheon and I fell in love. It is stunning, seriously go inside if you're ever in Rome. Just wow.
Then came the shopping, if any of you watch my YouTube channel you won't be surprised that I did a lot of shopping!
We had some great pizza's for dinner at Carlo's. Mine had egg on it! I'd never had an egg pizza before, it was a bit odd but it's pizza so I'm not complaining.


We woke up early(ish) and walked down to the Colosseum. The Colosseum was one of my favorite things about Rome, just imagining everything that happened there and the audio guides we had were great to help you visualize it all. We didn't do much on the second day, just sort of strolled around Rome for a few hours walking past the shops and to Piazza de Popolo and ended up at the Spanish Steps again.
Oh and don't have dinner at Hard Rock...It was awful. I've been to a few and they're all great but Rome was just a joke.

Day 3:
It was time for a museum day so we ventured off to the Capitolene Museum and spent all the morning there as it is a lot bigger than it looks. It was great but got a bit samey after a while. We then went the river just to explore a bit more of Rome but I can't remember any names of the places we went to sorry!
This was our last day and night in Rome so we decided to go to a cute little Italian restaurant called Palatium and the food was amazing!

I loved Rome but some parts of it were just so annoying. All the men trying to sell you shit on the streets did my head in! I've never seen so many, and I wouldn't mind if they tried to sell their items on the street politely but they shove everything in your face, if you're at a major tourist site this happens ALL the time. And I'm not an idiot I do expect this to happen but not so frequently. I struggled to take photos without some moron shoving a rose in my face or throwing a glowing ball towards me. I had to lie and say I was allergic to roses 'cause these guys wouldn't take no for an answer. They would literally shove the roses into your body/boobs (yep boobs) unless you took one or shoved past them. And there are people doing the same things in the other cities I went to in Italy but not as many and they weren't so determined.
We had a fantastic time in Rome but I'm not sure if I'd go again. I probably would if I was travelling around Europe but I wouldn't just go to Rome on a holiday.

Watch my vlog that I filmed while we were in Rome:

Friday 13 September 2013


So I went to Tenerife for 3 weeks back in May (yes I know that was ages ago, I'm shit at posting on time). During these 3 weeks I went on Whale watching boats to research the whales and dolphins in Tenerife and  to also help raise awareness of the whale hunting that has been happening as well as collecting petitions against it, working for a company called AWF.
Here is what I got up to:

And this is the house we stayed in:

It was such an amazing experience and I'm so happy I went. I got to meet a load of new and awesome people and just had a great time with them all. If any of you are interested in volunteering here are the links:

Also if you're interested in learning more about whale and dolphin hunting I suggest you watch this: