Sunday 15 July 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man Review!

So I thought I would write a review of the new Spider-man movie as I do reviews on Youtube and I'm a bit bored basically. I've never wrote a review before so I apologize if this is a load of crap, also if you don't want to read this long review just check out my shorter one on Youtube here.

I went to see this movie a few days ago and it was fantastic! It made me wish I still had my webshooters so I could attack my family with webs and plastic Spider-man discs even though I'm a bit too old for that now :(

Plot: The movie starts off with Peter Parker as a young boy and goes into a lot more detail about his past than the previous Spider-Man movie. So after his parents death he goes to live with his Aunt May (Sally Field) and his Uncle Ben ( Martin Sheen). When Peter become older, and is in High School he starts to investigate his parents death which leads him to Curt Connors (Rhys Ifans) who works in Oscorp where Peter then gets bitten by a radio active spider.

So many people have complained that there was no reason to reboot Spider-man after Sam Raimi's movies and that it was too soon and people went a bit mental, and I'm gonna say at first I agreed until I saw the trailers which totally changed my mind and I thought I should give it a chance. I'm so glad I did as its sooo much better than the previous Spidey movies, which I did really enjoy but they weren't as good as they could have been or anywhere near as good as other superhero movies.

I think what made this movie better than the previous ones was the strong performances from Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. They were absolutely fantastic! The chemistry between them is great, partly because they are together in real life too but it was still realistic and their romance felt genuine.
Andrew Garfield played a much more interesting Peter Parker than Tobey Maguire and a better Spidey. He was a lot less emotional and seemed like a stronger character, as well as portraying Spider-man as being funnier, making this Spidey more like the one in the comic books. Peter is obviously a total nerd but in this movie he comes off as being a bit more confident and a lot smarter. Although saying he seems a bit more confident there are defiantly some awkward moments with his love interest Gwen Stacey which are just hilarious. They have many an awkward conversation in school, where he has no idea at all what to say to her, and also when he has dinner with Gwen's family and doesn't no how to eat the fish. Peter also does a bit of skateboarding in the first parts of the movie before he becomes Spider-man which is just really cool but makes him seem a little bit like a loner only because he never skates with anyone else, only by himself. I definitely prefer Garfield though, he does a much better job.
Emma Stone was great too, and so beautiful, I'm well jealous! I really prefer her character, Gwen Stacey, to MJ in the previous movies as she makes a much better girlfriend, even though apparently in the comics she goes a bit crazy later on. She seems to be in love with Peter rather than Spider-man whereas MJ seemed to be into the idea of Spidey more than Peter. Gwen Stacey is also just generally a better character than Mary Jane anyway and is far more interesting and funny.

Rhys Ifans played Curt Connors/The Lizard, who was a terrific villain. Although not as good as The Joker from Batman or Loki from The Avengers, but he was still great. So you find out early on in the movie that Dr Curt Connors used to work with Peter's dad, which is what leads Peter to Connors as he thinks this will help him find out what happened to his parents. Connors specialises in genetics and how to combine human DNA with that of other animals, mainly reptiles as he lost his arm and wants to combine reptile DNA with his to enable him to grow back his arm. His work is rushed and he is told he will have to stop his research so he experiments on himself as he won't really get the chance to do it again and thus starts to change into the Lizard and terrorise New York City. He sets up a lab in the sewers and then starts to talk to himself a lot which is similar to the Green Goblin, and makes me think he might now have split personality because he also seems to sometimes want good and other times wants the complete opposite. I kinda feel a bit sorry for him as he did start out wanting to help people and then went a bit insane wanting to make all of human kind freaky lizard things as this apparently is an improvement on what we are.

This version of Spider-man still includes Uncle Ben's death and all the crime fighting but Spider-man is wanted and hated more by the Police. This is made worse by the fact that Gwen's dad is the chief of Police and hates Spider-man which causes a really awkward argument between Peter and Gwen's dad, George.
Another difference between this movie and the others is that Peter doesn't have the organic webshooters, he instead has to build his own mechanical webshooters which he has in the comic books.
Another difference is how Peter discovers he now has spider sense. Marc Webb has it done in a far more interesting way than Sam Raimi did in the first Spider-Man. In this movie you see Peter become really strong and basically break everything that he touches as well getting stuck to a lot of things too as he's not used to his new found powers. 
When Peter is in his suit his movements change compared to how he was before, he becomes quicker and more spider-like. Marc Webb has made this Spider-man use his abilities in a similar way to how a spider would move or attack its prey, by using Spider-man's webbing really quickly to capture his enemies and also by using webs to sense his surroundings.
This movie is incredible visually. The CGI is ace, especially when he is swinging from building to building, it just looks so realistic. The 3D in this movie is also good, it enhances the movie rather than just being annoying.

The score is also great and I've been listening to it quite a bit. It really compliments the movie well, as a score should but there are some terrible ones. It's not the best I have ever listened to like I much preferred the score for The Dark Knight, but the more I listen to it the more it grows on me and it is quite stunning.

Stan Lee obviously had a cameo in this movie as he has one in every Marvel movie, but this one was by far the funniest and the best! I loved it!
Also don't forget to stick around until after the credits so you can see the extra scene :)

This really is a great movie and is an improvement on the previous Spidey movies. It's not the best superhero movie and doesn't really compete with The Dark Knight or Avengers Assembele but I still thoroughly enjoyed it.
Rating: 4/5

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