Friday 2 November 2012


So Halloween was a few days ago and me and my boyfriend opted to stay in cause we're lazy basically. But we did carve pumpkins and make cupcakes in the evening as I was at work all day dressed as a witch ;) Yep I'm cool. So here are our pumpkins which were both based on Jack Skeleton from The Nightmare Before Christmas because we both love that movie!!!

They took ages to do but I haven't carved a pumpkin since I was at primary school so I was super excited and didn't care how long it took. 

We also made loads of cupcakes and decorated them to make them kinda spooky as well as making them green even though that made them look gross and a bit shit but the end results were good.

 The cupcakes took ages too we spend all evening decorating them and carving the pumpkins so we had no time to watch any scary movies or anything but it was still a really fun night.

 What did everyone else do for Halloween? I'm interested to know as I don't know anyone else who really likes Halloween. So I'd love to hear from everyone!

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