Monday 24 December 2012

My Puppy!

 This is Coco she's my 9 week old chocolate Labrador which we've had for a week and she has already grown a ton! We've got her at a really hard time for my family and she seems to be the perfect distraction and is giving everyone something to focus on these past few weeks. She can be an absolute terror when she wants to be which is most of the time but she's so worth it. She thinks everything is a toy especially our hands and the Christmas presents so we get chewed to death all the time.

Coco is so hyper and outgoing, nothing seems to phase her. She is so playful and you constantly have to watch her otherwise she'll be up to no good. I can't wait until she's old enough to go to walks, she's gonna be so much fun and totally crazy.

She is potty trained already and we've built a pen outside for her to run around in and go to the toilet so she doesn't go in the house. She's also been taught 'sit' and 'come' already and we will hopefully teach her some more basic things before we take her to puppy training classes.

I just thought I'd share a few photo's and things about Coco as she's just the cutest baby ever! But I do want to add she isn't a Christmas present as we've been had loads of other dogs before and also have a Cocker Spaniel as well as Coco :)

Sunday 9 December 2012

Mini Iron Fist Haul

I thought I'd share with you what I bought from Iron Fist recently as they are my favourite clothing brand. Iron Fist are a slightly alternative clothing brand as they make a variety of different clothes from more bold looking clothing to everyday or slightly sophisticated looks. They also make the most gorgeous shoes you will ever see! I own about four pairs of their shoes and would still gladly buy more. I've been a fan of their clothing since I was about 14 and have many different items from them. They used to be a lot cheaper but the less in your face tops are still affordable but a lot of the more going out type clothes are more expensive than Iron Fist used to be but that's bound to happen because the company as got bigger and more popular.

Lovelace Purse/Handbag- £13.49 
Lucky Lucy Flats- £31.99

Hell Yeah 3/4 Sleeve Top -£27.99
Guanotomorrow Tank Top- £25.99

So these are the items I bought, just two tops a bag and some shoes. I made a YouTube video going into a bit more detail and also showing you what the t-shirts look like on. I'm really happy with these purchase's expect for having a few issues with the shoes. If you shop around or look on Ebay you can probably find these for cheaper than on Iron Fist's website, which is what I usually do.
Tell me what you think of these clothes and if any of you like Iron Fist too :)

Thursday 29 November 2012

Mr. Bumble Review

My nutter of a boyfriend bought me this the other day fom Lush so I thought I'd do a review. It's called Mr. Bumble and he's sooo cute! And pretty sweet cause my nickname for my boyfriend is bumble bee so I think that's why he got it for me. 
It is a knot wrap, which is something I've never had from Lush before and I think it's quite a cute idea. It just looks soooooo cute I've had it since August but didn't want to open it because it just looks too sweet, but I've decided I'll just put some old socks in it and wrap it up again...Yeah I know I'm a bit crazy.

It consists of the Honey Bee Bath Ballistic and Honey I Washed The Kids Soap, which both smell amazing. The bath bomb is honey scented (as you can probably guess) and turns the bath bright yellow. When in the water the scent becomes less obvious but still smells slightly off honey and toffee and also slightly softens your skin which is always a plus.
The soap also smells yummy and is honey and toffee scented too. It's not the best Lush soap I've ever had as I prefer fruitier soaps but It's still really good and does make you smell really sweet. 
I think this is a great little gift especially as it's coming up to Christmas even though it's not Christmas themed but it is slightly cheaper than the Christmas themed ones at only £7.95 but you do get one less product.
I would get the Honey Bee Bath Ballistic again but not the soap as Lush do have far more interesting soaps but as a nice little surprise it's perfect, especially because I can reuse the knot wrap.

Have any of you ever tried a Lush knot wrap? What did you think?

Friday 23 November 2012

Lostprophets Live

 I went to see Lostprophets on the Weapons Reloaded tour again as I just couldn't wait until next year to see them again. I'm so, so, so glad I went as like they promised the set list was different so it was definitely worth seeing them again. I basically booked the tickets a week before the gig as we hadn't planned to see them again until the next tour, and it provided us with a great little road trip and a great day out in Cardiff too :)

Yet again they were so energetic and the atmosphere was insane! Everyone around me was going crazy and were loving it. And as always when Shinobi came on everyone went wild. Everything about the gig was amazing and worth every penny, they have got to be one of the best live bands I've ever seen.
Lostprophets seemed to have done everything they did wrong at Wolverhampton right at Newport. They were so energetic and interacted so much more with the crowd than they did when they played Wolverhampton a few weeks earlier, which was one of my only faults with that gig. Ian also seemed like his old self from previous concerts a few years ago, as he was joking around a lot more and seemed way more chatty, one of the things I love most about a Lostprophets gig! (apart from the music). They also said goodbye and goodnight this time unlike in Wolvo where they just walked off without saying anything so everyone was expecting an encore which was an improvement as it seemed quite strange for them to just leave.

But like in Wolverhampton there as still issues with the sound, as Ian and Luke's in ear monitors weren't working very well and you could just tell how pissed off Ian was about it to begin with, as I imagine it's pretty damn hard to sing when you can't hear yourself or the right levels of the rest of the band aren't being heard  same goes for playing drums! But Luke still stayed in time and Ian still sang in tune so all was well. Yet again during some songs you couldn't quite hear Ian enough over the rest of the band as some parts kind of got drowned out.
The venue was quite odd too it was like a sports centre turned music venue! There was a swimming pool there and we were standing in what I think was a basket ball court or something similar but it was a still a good venue if a little unusual. We were at the front next opposite Jamie and therefore right next to the speakers so we literally couldn't hear for the next few days but it was so worth it.
Roll on next year! I cannot wait for the next tour. Giving this gig 10/10 again! Wow.


Where We Belong
 New Transmission
Can't Catch Tomorrow
Fake Sound of Progress
We Bring An Arsenal
Shinobi Vs Dragon Ninja
I Don't Know
A Better Nothing
 Last Summer
A Town Called Hypocrisy 
 Jesus Walks
 Bring Em Down
Everyday Combat
Last Train Home
Burn Burn.

For more pictures check out my Flickr.

Thursday 15 November 2012

Urban Decay 15 Year Palette

I bought the Urban Decay 15 Year Anniversary Palette a few months ago and have only just got round to doing my review of it... But I guess that means I've used it a lot so I can give a proper and honest review.
You obviously get 15 different eye shadows in this palette and has a great choice of colours. I bought this because it basically has every colour I would need all in one palette so I don't have to take 3 or 4 palettes with me when I go on holiday or stay at someone's house just so I can do my make-up the way I like it.

I own 5 Urban Decay palettes now and this is by fair my favourite one! Although there are colours in this palette which are very similar to my other palettes especially the Naked Palette and any of the Book of Shadows palettes.

Midnight Rodeo: This is a very light brown with a lot of sparkle. There is a lot of fallout with this colour so I advise putting something under your eyes, like tissue, just to cover the underneath otherwise you'll get covered in glitter. The only problem with this colour is that you need to layer it up a bit as it's not as pigmented as the other colours.

Midnight 15: Is a really pale cream/light beige with a soft shimmer plus some glitter. It's great for highlighting your brow bones for a night out but maybe not so much in the day because of the glitter. Something like Sin from the Naked palette would be better. It's also really similar to Midnight Cowboy Rides again.

Vanilla: Is a yellowish cream colour and is similar to Midnight 15 just without the glitter. It also has a soft shimmer and would be good for highlighting which is what I use it for. It's very similar to Virgin from the Naked Palette just not quite as pale.

Flow: A light, shimmery peach colour, which is very different from other shadows I own.

Chase: Is a warm shimmer bronze colour, like a mixture of Half-Baked and Smog which are both in the Naked Palette.

Tainted: Real pale pink with a light gold shimmer, it's really pretty.

Junkshow: Is a really bright hot pink. I have no idea when I'd ever use this colour even though it looks amazing its just a bit too extreme.

Omen: Is a blue toned light purple with a light shimmer. I'm pretty sure this is my favourite colour! It's so beautiful.

Evidence: This is a deep blue, nearly navy but with some green tint too, another of my favourites.

Deep End: Is a bright turquoise/teal kind of colour and is so, so gorgeous! Yet again another of my favourites and is quite similar to Haight by UD but a little brighter and not as deep.

Deeper: A dark shimmery brown with some gold tones. Very similar to Hustle by UD.

M.I.A: This is an even darker brown, yet again with shimmer and is also very similar to Darkhorse by UD.

Ace: Is a dark grey with shimmer and to me looks exactly the same as Gunmetal by Urban Decay.

Is a matte jet black shadow and is super pigmented and probably the best black eyeshadow I have ever used.

Half Truth: Is a grey toned dark purple, which looks great with Omen. Also has a slight shimmer.

What I love about UD's eyeshadows is that they are always well pigmented which is why I always buy them even though some other brands do great colours too such as MAC, I never think they are pigmented as much as UD and it's always a bit of a let down.

The packaging is a bit annoying as it's very bulky and deep when it could be a lot thinner. UD have said you can reuse the box after you've finished but I don't know what on earth you'd use it for...Any suggestions please comment below 'cause I haven't got the foggiest.
So it comes in the velvet box as you can see in the picture above, which you can take the palette out of to reveal the lovely pattern on the side of the lid. There is also a mirror on the inside of the lid even though the whole of the packaging is like one huge mirror. You can take the eye shadows out of the palette but they are all joined together and I don't know what you would then store them in but it just shows that the packaging didn't need to be as bulky.
This palette was only £35 for 15 eye shadows which is think is a great price and I'm so happy I got it. All the eye shadows stay on all day and even longer if you wear a primer which will also emphasis the colour so the shadow stands out even more.

All in all I'd give this product a 9/10 purely because of the packaging and due to the fact that a lot of the browns/neutrals are similar to some from Naked and Naked 2. But other than that everything else is fantastic.

Friday 2 November 2012

The Almighty Lostprophets

Last night I went to see Lostprophets for the 9th time and wow were they good. Yeah you're probably thinking I'm only saying that cause I'm a huge fan, blah, blah, blah, but seriously they were fantastic!
The set list was totally different to what they usually play whereas with most bands you can guess every song that's going to be played but I was so surprised!

The first time I saw Lostprophets was at Wolverhampton 6 years ago and I love this venue, I've never been to a bad gig at the Civic Hall yet so you can properly guess how excited I was when they announced they were playing it again meaning its the 5th time I've seen them in Wolverhampton.

They played a really good mixture of songs from each album and most of them were songs they don't play too often either which was a treat. A lot of people around me were chanting for them to play "Shinobi" (even though they'd already played it WTF?), and then changed their minds and wanted them to play "Ode to Summer" which is cool but when Lostprophets did play songs from "The Fake Sound Of Progress" the people around me just fucking stood there...Why ask for songs from that album if your not gonna react? Fucking mental.

Anyway they played a mix of sing a long songs and some of the heavier stuff too which was great for a fan girl like me, I especially loved "Sway", I always love hearing that song live. So this set list is definitely the best they've ever played. Was great to here more stuff from the first album even though not everyone knows the songs. It was also the first time I've ever seen them play "Can't Get Enough" live which was really exciting. Apparently they are gonna change the set list every night which is a great idea and makes me want to go see them on this tour again even more, really wish I could.

They were all on top form last night as well, especially Luke, God is he a fucking great drummer! He always smashes it. Everyone else was incredible too, the only faults I can think of was that Ian's vocals weren't high enough in the mix and kinda got lost in some areas, which isn't the bands fault its the sound technicians. And also it would be cool if they interacted a bit more with the crowd, I know it means they can play more songs but it would have been good if they had spoken a bit more like they used to when Ian used to talk forever, bless him. I thought it was a bit weird how they just left without saying anything as it made me think they'd play an encore but they didn't which is fair enough 'cause I guess it meant they could play more songs...But those are the only negative things I can think of, all in all it was the best gig I have been to I think ever! They are such a great live band and I don't think I will ever get tired of seeing them. I can't wait to see them again.
This gig deserves 10/10, totally immense!!!

Also sorry if the photo's aren't that great, I'm 5'1" so its not too easy to get great shots unless I'm at the front.

What did you guys think, if any of you went? What was your favourite song?

Setlist from last night, not my photo I found it on Tumblr.


So Halloween was a few days ago and me and my boyfriend opted to stay in cause we're lazy basically. But we did carve pumpkins and make cupcakes in the evening as I was at work all day dressed as a witch ;) Yep I'm cool. So here are our pumpkins which were both based on Jack Skeleton from The Nightmare Before Christmas because we both love that movie!!!

They took ages to do but I haven't carved a pumpkin since I was at primary school so I was super excited and didn't care how long it took. 

We also made loads of cupcakes and decorated them to make them kinda spooky as well as making them green even though that made them look gross and a bit shit but the end results were good.

 The cupcakes took ages too we spend all evening decorating them and carving the pumpkins so we had no time to watch any scary movies or anything but it was still a really fun night.

 What did everyone else do for Halloween? I'm interested to know as I don't know anyone else who really likes Halloween. So I'd love to hear from everyone!

Monday 29 October 2012

Pumpkin Face...

Last night I finished my second Halloween tutorial yay! I decided I'd give it ago at doing a pumpkin look which I found on MAC's Facebook page and it turned out really well, much better than my sugar skull.
I found the perfect palette for this look in Superdrug yesterday it's by MUA and was only £3 so it was a mega bargain.

I think I'm gonna do one for Halloween look then leave it at that for this year as I don't wanna bore people with all the Halloween makeup even though its so much fun to do and Halloween is awesome!

What do you guys think of this look? And what's your favourite from MAC's Halloween lookbook? And how are you spending your Halloween?

Saturday 27 October 2012

Sugar Skull

I love Halloween, it's one of my favourite times of the year and I'm super excited this year! I love all the 'scary' movies that are on and seeing all the kids trick or treating its so cute. And I also love to dress up and do something fun for Halloween...
So basically I got really bored and decided to do some Halloween make-up for my YouTube channel and this is what it turned out like:

I have never done any make-up/face paint like this before so I'm sorry if it's not perfect but I'm really pleased with the results and it was so much fun to do! I'm going to be filming some more Halloween tutorials today so I'll post something about them later. This one took a while to do because of all the detail and could have taken a lot longer if I wanted to make it absolutely perfect! But what I love about this look is that you can do whatever you want with it, use any colours and any sort of decoration on your face as long as you do the big eyes you can be as creative as you want which is why it was so much fun to do.

I made a sugar skull look by just using some old white face paint to cover my face and then eye shadows and eye liners to do the decorations. I have filmed a full tutorial on how to do this for my YouTube channel so check it out if you're interested. I could have done a more intricate design but that would have taken waaay to long although I think it would be a bit more interesting if I go into some more detail if I ever do this look again.

Me looking not so scary...

I hope you like my look and tell me below what you are gonna be for Halloween or even if you love Halloween as much as I do! 

Thursday 2 August 2012

Max Factor Gift

So I got this a few weeks ago and forgot to do a blog post on it. Woopsie. Anyway, better late than never.
 When I purchased some Max Factor products from Boots I got a free Union Flag tin plus a mascara, lipstick, blush and nail varnish!

The tin is really nice so my mum nicked it off me because she liked it so much. Inside the tin was the Nailfinity nail varnish in Red Passion, which as you can see if a really bright red. It's not really my colour so I will probably never wear it so I can't really comment on whether its a good polish or not.
The mascara is good but nothing special just a normal black mascara really and  its a great size as I can just put it in my mini make-up bag for my handbag :)

I love the lipstick and the blush though, they are gorgeous! The lipstick is in the Lasting Colour range in the colour English Rose, which is a light pink with a slight silver shimmer and is really creamy. I've had this lipstick before so I was really happy that it was a part of the free gift.
I was surprised that I liked the blusher as well because I'm not a huge fan of cream blushers this one is just sooo pretty :). It's in the colour Soft Pink and is one of the Miracle Touch Creamy Blush. It lasts quite a while and is buildable as well.

Top: English Rose. 
Bottom: Soft Pink.

I think that this was a great free gift but I'm not sure if I will repurchase all of the products as some of them are really expensive for how much you get, and I prefer their other mascaras to the one that was included.
You also got a voucher for their foundation which is great as I've just finished my Max Factor foundation, which I included in my July Empties video.

Saturday 28 July 2012

Batman Nail Varnish!

I did my nails for The Dark Knight Rises when I saw it last week and thought I'd show everyone what they looked like.

I used Rimmel London Sunshine and Black Cab to create these nails and just painted the bat on with a really thin paintbrush. The yellow (Sunshine) stains your nails really badly though, so you look like you have really dirty nails so I suggest wearing a clear varnish underneath, I'm not sure if it would make a difference but it's worth a try.

The movie was incredible and I will do a review on it next week after I've seen it again but you can check out my Youtube review here, which for some reason hasn't uploaded in HD so I apologize for the crap quality!

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Spider-Man Nail Varnish.

I have never done any nail art or whatever before so I thought I'd try to paint the spider-man logo on my nails. It's not too great and its a bit wobbily :/ but I think I'll get better with practise. I'm thinking I might do a superhero nail blog post, so basically paint my nails with different superhero logos or something like that. Anyway here are some pics:

This is what my nails looked like to celebrate the new Spider-Man movie.

The right thumb was soooo difficult to paint which explains why it looks messier than my left thumb. I just used a really thin brush to paint the spiders over the top of the blue nail varnish. I used OPI's Into The Night, which is the sparkly blue/purple colour that is part of OPI's Spider-Man collection. This colour has grown on me so much and its beginning to be one of my favourite nail varnish's as its such a gorgeous colour! You can probably tell from my bedroom walls that blue's my favourite colour. This nail varnish lasts quite a while and doesn't chip either so it's well worth the money.
The red is by Rimmel London, it's one of the Lycra Pro polish's in the colour Ruby Me (319). It's basically a really bright red so it's perfect for Spider-Man. I wouldn't normally wear this colour but it was given to me as a gift and I've actually used it quite a few times.

Ruby Me & Into The Night.

I'm going to do Batman nails for The Dark Knight Rises on friday ( I'm soooooo excited!!!!) So I will do a blog post on that too which will be similar to this one even though I'm not the best at painting my nails haha. But I really enjoyed doing this little bit of nail art so I think I'll do it more often :) x